Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to lose weight naturally?-Alli Weight Loss: Does It Work?

 Alli Weight Loss: Does It Work?

There has been a lot of publicity about alli weight loss plans in the media, but does this weight loss pill really work? The answer from many research studies appears to be yes, but before you take alli weight loss remedies be sure to check out the rest of this article, because there are some things you need to know. 

What Is Alli?

Alli is a brand name for the chemical orlistat. It is available over the counter in drug stores in the USA and the UK. It is also available as a prescription medication, often under the name of Xenical. Generic orlistat is also available in some countries.

How Alli Weight Loss Works

Alli weight loss effects have been demonstrated in many research studies and it is approved by the FDA as a weight loss aid. It works as a fat blocker, preventing the body from absorbing a certain percentage of the fats in our food. 

At the usual dose of 60 mg three times a day it has been shown to block absorption of around 25% or one quarter of the fat that we eat. This increases to around 30% at a dose of 3 x 120 mg, which is not recommended without medical supervision. Beyond that there is very little added effect, so there is no point in taking more.

How do they make it?

One study followed people taking alli in clinical trials over 12 months. Among the different groups of people, between 35% and 55% lost at least 5% of their body weight, which is a significant loss. About half of those people lost 10% of their starting body weight or more. These are very good results for clinical trials.

In addition, alli has been shown to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Whether this is because of alli weight loss effects or whether there are other beneficial effects in alli has not been proved.

However, this does not mean that we can eat all the fat that we want and then take alli to prevent weight gain. It is important to be aware of the side effects of alli weight loss before starting to take it.

Side Effects Of Alli

The most common side effect of alli or orlistat is bowel disturbance. Alli blocks digestion of a lot of the fat that we eat and so that fat has to be expelled from the body in undigested form. The result is loose stools which may cause severe diarrhea in some cases. Many people also suffer from excessive flatulence. 

These symptoms are worse when people begin taking alli. It seems that the body adjusts to it after a time. So you could help to avoid the side effects of alli by starting with a very low dose and gradually increasing. 

However, the best way to avoid alli weight loss side effects is to eat less fat. That way, there is less undigested fat for the body to excrete. Eating less fat also helps with weight loss.

The manufacturers claim that alli or orlistat can improve your weight loss by up to 50%, assuming you are not simply taking alli so that you can eat more. It won't work if you do that. You do need to have some control over your food intake. But if this is true, it means that a person who loses 10 pounds without taking alli would lose 15 pounds in the same time with the same food intake if they add alli weight loss to the mix.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How to lose weight naturally?

CLA Supplements: Do They Work?

CLA supplements are a popular choice for anybody interested in fat loss, but what are they and do they really work to help you lose weight? Let's take a close look at CLA supplements.

Despite its chemical-sounding name, CLA or conjugated linoleic acid is not artificial. It is found in many naturally occurring foods, especially meat and dairy products. It can be extracted from those products or created in the laboratory to be taken as a supplement.

CLA supplements are often recommended for men who want to build muscle mass while losing fat. They appear to work by converting mass into lean body tissue. People who take them without making other changes in their diet might be more likely to see results in the mirror and in clothes sizes without necessarily seeing a change in the numbers on the scale. This is because muscle weighs heavier than fat, although it has less bulk, so we look thinner even if we stay the same weight.

Anybody wanting to lose weight can benefit from having a leaner body. It is healthier and it also increases the metabolism, so we are likely to burn more calories. But most dieters want to reduce their weight too.

The best way to use CLA supplements is to take them at the same time as you follow a healthy eating plan. It could be a low fat diet, a calorie controlled diet or any type of weight loss plan that you can stick to. That way you are likely to lose weight as well as reducing body fat.

Experts agree that the most important issue in choosing a weight loss plan is finding one that you can be happy with for the long term. Crash diets do not work because as soon as they finish, most people return to their old eating habits. The only way to lose weight permanently is to change your eating habits and avoid the yoyo dieting trap.

There has been plenty of research aiming to show how conjugated linoleic acid works. The Journal of Nutrition published a study finding that subjects taking CLA supplements lost an average of 6 more pounds of body fat than a control group taking a placebo. 

How did they make it?

How much conjugated linoleic acid can you take? The researchers in this study found that the best level of supplementation was 3.4 grams of CLA. There was no increased effect from having more than this. 

CLA supplements can have other beneficial effects too. A study at Purdue University in Indiana found that CLA had a positive effect on insulin levels in diabetics, as well as reducing their blood glucose level and triglyceride levels slightly. Of course, it is important to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.

There is no magic pill that will spirit away 50 or 100 pounds of excess weight overnight, but if you are willing to commit to a healthier way of eating, CLA may help you to lose body fat and achieve your goals sooner than you would without it. CLA supplements are most effective when used after consultation with your doctor alongside your diet plan to boost your fat loss while you lose weight. 

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